Stationary Site

With our stationary site in Redcliff, we are equipped to efficiently process your scrap metal rather than burdening our landfills. We provide clean up bins for your temporary projects, or permanent bins for your business that produces scrap metal on a regular basis.

Mobile Service

for large projects

Can't come to us? We'll come to you! Our mobile service equipment allows us to categorize, process, and ship your scrap metal products. From landfills and waste management sites to auto wreckers, farmyards, and oilfields, we can take care of all your metal recycling needs.

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We Recycle All Metals

Our goal is to offer the best in customer service and create a welcoming and efficient experience. Our government certified scales ensure your load is weighed fairly and you get the most for your metal.

General Public

Silver Creek Recycling welcomes the general public and small haul recyclers to transport scrap metal to our facility. Our yard is spacious, gravelled and organized with an indoor drive-through non-ferrous bay. In addition, we have an after hours drop off area that is under surveillance, well lit and accessible 24/7. See What We Buy for details.


We buy and process prepared and unprepared ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal. We also offer a bin service for companies that have a regular amount of scrap metal to dispose of and for companies that require a temporary bin for cleanup.

Mobile Metal Recycling

Can’t come to us we can come to you. We have mobile equipment available for all your metal recycling needs. Learn more about our mobile service.

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Crushing it at Silver Creek Recycling

Changing with the times in the scrap business means employing customer-oriented strategies and maintaining high-level operational efficiencies. Check out Silver Creek Recycling on Recycling Product News!

Our Community Involvement

Invite Silver Creek Metal Recycling to your community and turn your scrap metal into fundraising cash.

Silver Creek understands the importance of keeping our small communities strong. We provide a unique way to assist communities with raising funds for local projects while also providing people with an opportunity to get rid of unwanted scrap metal. When organizing a fundraising project with Silver Creek Recycling, all of the material is collected at a designated area in the community. Silver Creek then collects, processes and ships out the material and pay for any metal collected.

Did You Know?

  • Every ton of recycled steel saves 2,500 lbs of iron ore, 1,000 of coal and 40 lbs of limestone
  • In one year in the United States, the recycling of steel saves enough energy to heat and light 18,000,000 homes!
  • There is no limit on the amount of times aluminum cans can be recycled
  • A typical family consumes 182 gallons of pop, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk and 26 gallons of bottled water in a year. That’s a lot of containers! Make sure they are recycled.